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乐活吠陀家庭配制的平气香饮是您香料收藏的完美补充。 这种配方经过精心制作和注重细节,不含甜味剂和麸质,使其成为那些有饮食节制的人的绝佳选择。 它专为平衡风元素(Vata Dosha)能量而设计,促进平静感并恢复身心和谐。 这款饮料融合了美味的芳香香料,一定会成为您日常生活中的新宠。


Loving Ayurveda's homemade Vata Balancing is the perfect addition to your spice collection. Made with care and attention to detail, this blend is sweetener-free and gluten-free, making it a great option for those with dietary restrictions. It is specifically designed to balance the air elements (Vata dosha), promoting a sense of calm and restoring harmony to your body and mind. With a delicious blend of aromatic spices, this drink is sure to become a new favorite in your daily routine.



平气香饮 Vata-Balancing








用热水冲泡1-3迷你茶匙的 平气香饮 在近餐点时间饮用, 一天两次。亦可加在黑盐水或柠檬温水或热奶中以享用不同风味的疗愈饮料,但纯温水为最佳。不宜空腹饮用。




Balance the air element of the body and mind, such as: calming tension of emotions, relieve joints, meridian discomfort, dizziness and vomiting, reduce soreness, dispel gaseousness and exhaustion, eliminate fatigue, regulate menstruations, and promote blood circulation.  Generally suitable for easy-to-thin and difficult-to-fat body type people.



Cardamom, Cinnamon, Ginger, Dill Seeds, Ajwain Seeds, Nutmeg.



Brew 1-3 mini teaspoons of Vata-Balancing with warm water for best effect and drink  closed to meal time, twice a day. It can be added to black salt water, lemon water or hot milk to make different flavours of healing drinks. Best effect with warm water. Avoid to drink during empty stomach.

Vata Balancing 平气香饮

  • 乐活吠陀产品




    LOVING AYURVEDA's Digestive powder, Pitta-Balancing, Vata-Balancing, and Kapha-Balancing are all formulated based on the principles of Ayurveda's natural laws and are made from Indian spices and Chinese Medicine's flowers. All ingredients are only foods to provide healing effects.

    Before the product was launched, the founder went to India to study Ayurveda for his own health. During the learning in India, he discovered the wonderful uses of spices and the improvement of his own health. He continued to prepare various formulas for himself and personally tried them for many years and benefited from them. In year 2018, he started giving it to friends around him and noticed that they also benefited a lot, so he found the way to make more at home and sell it in limited quantities. May everyone be healthy.


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