乐活吠陀的镇火香饮(Pitta-Balancing)是一种家庭制作的阿育吠陀配方,非常适合平衡体内的火元素(Pitta dosha)。 这配方不含甜味剂和麸质,是有饮食限制的人的理想选择。 这款饮料采用具有疗愈作用的混合香料和鲜花的独特组合制成,旨在帮助平静心灵和舒缓身体。 享受一杯这种美味的香饮,让您的生活恢复平衡。
Loving Ayurveda's Pitta-Balancing is a homemade blend that is perfect for balancing the fire elements (Pitta dosha) in your body. This blend is sweetener-free and gluten-free, making it an ideal choice for those with dietary restrictions. Made with a unique combination of healing mix spices and flowers, this drink is designed to help calm the mind and soothe the body. Enjoy a cup of this delicious blend to bring balance back into your life.
镇火香饮 Pitta-Balancing
益处:平衡身心的火元素,如: 舒缓急躁、月经不适、夜尿、舒“干”降火、抗发炎、抗氧化、调节消化力、解辣等。气候炎热,身体易热气的时候都适合饮用。
用法:用热水冲泡1-3迷你茶匙的 镇火香饮 在餐中饮用, 一天两次。亦可添至蔬果汁、黄冰糖水或奶茶等以享受不同风味的疗愈饮料。
Benefits: Balance the fire element of the body and mind, such as soothing impatience, menstrual discomfort, nocturia, soothing the liver and reducing heat, anti-inflammation, anti-oxidation, regulating digestion, help in spiciness. It is suitable to drink during hot weather, while the body is prone to heat.
Ingredients: Fennel, Cumin, Coriander, Rose, Lavender.
Directions: Brew 1-3 mini teaspoons of Pitta-Balancing with hot water and drink with meals, twice a day. It cam be added to rock candy water, juices or milk tea etc to make varieties flavour of healing drinks.
Pitta Balancing 镇火香饮
LOVING AYURVEDA's Digestive powder, Pitta-Balancing, Vata-Balancing, and Kapha-Balancing are all formulated based on the principles of Ayurveda's natural laws and are made from Indian spices and Chinese Medicine's flowers. All ingredients are only foods to provide healing effects.
Before the product was launched, the founder went to India to study Ayurveda for his own health. During the learning in India, he discovered the wonderful uses of spices and the improvement of his own health. He continued to prepare various formulas for himself and personally tried them for many years and benefited from them. In year 2018, he started giving it to friends around him and noticed that they also benefited a lot, so he found the way to make more at home and sell it in limited quantities. May everyone be healthy.