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乐活吠陀消化粉是一种自制的天然香料混合物,专门用于帮助消化。 它不含任何甜味剂和麸质,非常适合有饮食节制的人。 这种粉末是解决您可能遇到的任何消化问题的理想解决方案,因为它是舒缓胃部和促进健康消化的自然方式。 凭借其独特的香料混合物,这种消化粉是寻求消化帮助的人在任何膳食里的增添风味及疗愈佳品。


Loving Ayurveda's Digestive Powder is a homemade blend of natural spices specially crafted to aid digestion. It is free of any sweeteners and gluten, making it perfect for those with dietary restrictions. This powder is the ideal solution to any digestive issues you may have, as it is a natural way to soothe the stomach and promote healthy digestion. With its unique blend of spices, this Digestive Powder is the perfect addition to any meal for those seeking digestive support.


Digestive Powder 消化粉











Digestive Powder



Fennel, Cumin, Ginger, Omam, White Sesame, Black Sesame, Black Salt.


Improve dgestion, enhance excretion, relieve discomfort after meals etc.  



It is best to take the first bite during meal, or it can be taken during or after a meal. Take 1-3 mini teaspoons during any two meals a day with warm water or added into soup for flavouring. Avoid taking it during empty stomach.

Digestive Powder 消化粉

SKU: 364215376135191
  • 乐活吠陀产品




    LOVING AYURVEDA's Digestive powder, Pitta-Balancing, Vata-Balancing, and Kapha-Balancing are all formulated based on the principles of Ayurveda's natural laws and are made from Indian spices and Chinese Medicine's flowers. All ingredients are only foods to provide healing effects.

    Before the product was launched, the founder went to India to study Ayurveda for his own health. During the learning in India, he discovered the wonderful uses of spices and the improvement of his own health. He continued to prepare various formulas for himself and personally tried them for many years and benefited from them. In year 2018, he started giving it to friends around him and noticed that they also benefited a lot, so he found the way to make more at home and sell it in limited quantities. May everyone be healthy.


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